AboutOur Team

Sara Allin
Sara Allin is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto. Sara’s research and teaching span comparative health systems and policies, health system performance and health equity. Prior to joining the NAO, Sara was a Senior Researcher with the Canadian Institute for Health Information. As Director (formerly the Director of Operations), Sara works closely with the executive team to strengthen national and international partnerships, and she provides leadership and strategic direction for the research staff in Canada on research and member-directed projects and rapid reviews.

Gregory P. Marchildon
Founding Director
The founding director of the NAO, Gregory P. Marchildon is Professor and Ontario Research Chair in Health Policy and System Design at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto. A scholar-practitioner, Marchildon has extensive experience in establishing and working in national and international research and policy networks. A member of the editorial board of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Marchildon is also the Canadian representative on the Health Systems and Policy Monitor network. As the founding director of the NAO, Marchildon is mobilizing the key people and infrastructure to launch and manage the NAO.

Thomas Rice
Associate Director (United States)
Thomas Rice is Professor of the Department of Health Policy and Management at UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. His areas of interest include health insurance, competition and regulation; physicians’ economic behavior; and Medicare. He was lead author of a book about the U.S. health care system, for the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. Dr. Rice was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences in 2006. He was chair of the AcademyHealth Board of Directors in 2005-6, and previously he had been awarded its Article of the Year Award and its Young Investigator Award.

Miguel Angel González Block
Associate Director (Mexico)
Dr. Miguel Angel González-Block is Associate Researcher at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Anahuac University. He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico and of the National Researchers System, Level III. He serves as editor emeritus for BiomedCentral’s Health Research Policy and Systems and was the founding Director of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research at the World Health Organization. Dr. González-Block has extensive experience in policy analysis and systems research at the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico, the Mexican Health Foundation, the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Health Organization. He has collaborated in international health systems analysis in diverse teams, among which the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research at WHO, and the Tropical Disease Research and Training Program at WHO.

Amélie Quesnel-Vallée
Associate Director (Québec)
Amélie Quesnel-Vallée holds the Canada Research Chair on Policies and Health Inequalities. She is an Associate Professor at McGill University, where she is jointly appointed across the Faculties of Arts and Medicine, respectively in the Departments of Sociology and of Epidemiology. She is Director of the McGill Observatory on Health and Social Services Reforms (MOHSSR). She is also the founding Director of the International Research Infrastructure on Social inequalities in health (IRIS) and a founding member of the Centre on Population Dynamics at McGill. Her research examines the contribution of social policies to social inequalities in health over the life course. Her research has received numerous awards, including the Population Association of America Dorothy Thomas award and the 2005 American Sociological Association Dissertation Award.

Monika Roerig
Research Coordinator
Monika Roerig has been working with the NAO as Research Coordinator since 2019. She holds a Masters of Arts degree in Community Psychology, and has contributed to many research projects and evaluations for a wide variety of stakeholders.
Baruch (Barry) Levi, Research Associate, NAO
Allie Peckham, Research Associate, NAO; Assistant Professor, Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Arizona State University
Cheryl Camillo, Assistant Professor, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Regina
David Rudoler, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ontario Tech University; Assistant Professor (status only), Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto; Research Chair, Population Health and Innovation in Mental Health, Ontario Shores
Peter Cram, Department Chair, Internal Medicine at the University of Texas Medical Branch; Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Toronto; Professor (status only), Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
James (Jay) Shaw, Scientist, Women’s College Research Institute and the Women’s College Hospital Institute for Health System Solutions and Virtual Care; Assistant Professor (status only), Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
Richard Saltman, Department of Health Policy & Management, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University; Associate Director of Research Policy, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Brussels
Thomas Bossert, Director of International Health Systems Program and Senior Lecturer, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Lynn Unruh, Professor in the School of Global Health Management and Informatics, University of Central Florida
Andrew Barnes, Associate Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Policy, Virginia Commonwealth University
Pauline Rosenau, Professor Emerita, Division of Management, Policy and Community Health, University of Texas-Houston School of Public Health
Postdoctoral Fellows:
Research Assistants:
- Marc Albert
- Emmanuelle Arpin
- Aidan Bodner
- Dominika Bhatia
- Alexandra Calzavara
- Julie Farmer
- Tiffany Fitzpatrick
- Margaret Jamieson
- Husayn Marani
- Crystal Milligan
- Mariana Morales-Vazquez
- Melanie Seabrook
- Mandeep Sidhu
- Matthew Tracey
- Imaan Umar
- Breanna Wodnik