ResearchPeer-Reviewed Publications
- Testing “the science”: A comparative analysis of COVID-19 testing policy across four Canadian provinces, Social Science & Medicine
- Success and failure in establishing national physician databases: a comparison between Canada and Israel, Health Economics, Policy and Law
- Political changes and healthcare in Canada (Editorial), BMJ
- Canada and the Netherlands: Rhetoric versus Reality in the Evolution of Solidarity Underpinning Universal Health Coverage, University of Toronto Press
- Resilience-promoting social networks among unpaid dementia caregivers: protocol for a mixed-methods, 2-year exploratory study, BMJ Open
- Facilitators and challenges in collaboration between public health units and faith-based organizations to promote COVID-19 vaccine confidence in Ontario, International Journal for Equity in Health
- How have Ontario Public Health units engaged with faith-based organizations to build confidence in COVID-19 vaccines among ethno-racial communities, PLOS Global Public Health
- Equity of financial protection for health in high-income countries: scoping review protocol, BMJ Open
- Network dynamics in public health advisory systems: A comparative analysis of scientific advice for COVID‐19 in Belgium, Quebec, Sweden, and Switzerland, Governance
- Digital health technologies and inequalities: A scoping review of potential impacts and policy recommendations, Health Policy
- Public health partnerships with faith-based organizations to support vaccination uptake among minoritized communities: A scoping review, PLOS Global Public Health
- Availability and Financing of CAR T-cell Therapies: A Cross-Country Comparative Analysis, Health Policy
- Challenges for impact evaluation of WHO’s normative output, Bulletin of the World Health Organization
- Cannabis legalization and hospitalizations in Alberta: Interrupted time series analysis by age and sex, Journal of Addictive Diseases
- Mitigating the regressivity of private mechanisms of financing healthcare: An Assessment of 29 countries, Health Policy
- Health system structure and its influence on outcomes: The Canadian experience, Healthcare Management Forum
- Perspectives of Canadian health leaders on the relationship between medical assistance in dying and palliative and end-of-life care services: a qualitative study, CMAJ
- Do expenditures on public health reduce preventable mortality in the long run? Evidence from the Canadian provinces, Social Science and Medicine
- Policy feedback, varieties of federalism, and the politics of healthcare funding in the United States, Mexico, and Canada, Politics and Policy
- A Global Survey of Emergency Care Clinical Networks: Discussion and Implications for Canadian Learning Health Systems, Healthcare Policy
- The impact of team-based primary care on medication-related outcomes in older adults: A comparative analysis of two Canadian provinces, Preventive Medicine Reports
- A history and future of psychedelics: The case of the Canadian military, Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health
- The Social Construction of Dementia: Implications for Healthcare Experiences of Caregivers and People Living with Dementia, Journal of Patient Experience
- For health or for profit? Understanding how private financing and for-profit delivery operate within Canadian healthcare (4H | 4P): protocol for a multimethod knowledge mobilisation research project, BMJ Open
- Challenges facing mental health systems arising from the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from 14 European and North American countries, Health Policy
- Challenges navigating publicly funded home care in Ontario, Canada: Perspectives from unpaid caregivers of persons living with dementia, Dementia
- Centralization and integration of public health systems: Perspectives of public health leaders on factors facilitating and impeding COVID-19 responses in three Canadian provinces, Health Policy
- Public Officials’ Engagement on Social Media During the Rollout of the COVID-19 Vaccine: Content Analysis of Tweets, JMIR Infodemiology
- Promise and peril: how health system reforms impacted public health in three Canadian provinces, Canadian Journal of Public Health
- Disparities in access to primary care are growing wider in Canada, Healthcare Management Forum
- Physician workforce planning and boom-bust economic cycles: a retrospective on the Barer-Stoddart report, CMAJ
- Prioritization of public health financing, organization, and workforce transformation: a Delphi study in Canada, BMC Public Health
- Quality of care in the context of universal health coverage: a scoping review, Health Research Policy and Systems
- Comparison of COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout Approaches across Canada Case Studies of Four Diverse Provinces, Health Reform Observer
- Team-based primary care reforms and older adults: a descriptive assessment of sociodemographic trends and prescribing endpoints in two Canadian provinces, BMC Primary Care
- Mobilization of science advice by the Canadian federal government to support the COVID-19 pandemic response, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
- Policy Agenda Setting in Public Health Dentistry: Implementing North America’s First Universal School-Based Dental Program in Saskatchewan, Canadian Journal of Health History
- Increasing pneumococcal vaccine uptake in older adults: a scoping review of interventions in high-income countries, BMC Geriatrics
- The financial risks of unpaid caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from a self-reported survey in a Canadian jurisdiction, Health Services Insights
- Centralization and integration of public health systems: Perspectives of public health leaders on factors facilitating and impeding COVID-19 responses in three Canadian provinces, Health Policy
- Learning from the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparing policy responses in Uruguay with 10 other Latin American and Caribbean countries, Health Policy OPEN
- Early Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Public Health Systems and Practice in 3 Canadian Provinces from the Perspectives of Public Health leaders, Journal of Public Health Practice & Management
- Identifying priorities for research on financial risk protection to achieve universal health coverage: a scoping overview of reviews, BMJ Open
- Understanding predictors of pneumococcal vaccine uptake in older adults aged 65 years and older in high-income countries across the globe: A scoping review, Vaccine
- Collecting Information on Caregivers’ Financial Well-Being: A Document Review of Federal Surveys in Canada, Journal of Applied Gerontology
- “We cobble together a storyline of system performance using a diversity of things”: a qualitative study of perspectives on public health performance measurement in Canada, Archives of Public Health
- Cannabis Legalization and cannabis-Related Hospitalizations in Ontario, Canada, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
- The uses of Patient Reported Experience Measures in health systems: A systematic narrative review, Health Policy
- A comparison of 2020 health policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, Health Policy
- Barriers and facilitators to influenza vaccination observed by officers of national immunization programs in South America countries with contrasting coverage rates, SciELO [EN]
- Barreras y facilitadores de la vacuna contra la gripe observados por funcionarios de los programas nacionales de inmunización en países de Suramérica con niveles de cobertura contrastantes, SciELO [SP]
- Policy programs and service delivery models for older adults and their caregivers: Comparing three provinces and two states, Health and Social Care in the Community
- Public Reporting of Performance Indicators in Long-Term Care: Does it Make a Difference?, Canadian Journal on Aging
- Uncovering Public Perceptions of Older Adults’ Vaccines in Canada: A Study of Online Discussions from National Media Sources, Canadian Journal on Aging
- What Can Canada Learn From Accountable Care Organizations: A Comparative Policy Analysis, International Journal of Integrated Care
- Risk Recognition Policies for the Long-Term Care Workforce during the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-Country Study, Journal of Long-Term Care
- The Impact of COVID-19 on the Organization of Personal Support Work in Ontario, Canada, Journal of Long-Term Care
- Aging through the time of COVID-19: A survey of self-reported healthcare access, BMC Health Services Research
- Health systems resilience during COVID-19: Lessons for building back better
- Typology of Indigenous health system governance in Canada, Canadian Public Administration
- Interpreting forty-three-year trends of expenditures on public health in Canada: Long-run trends, temporal periods, and data differences, Health Policy
- Comparison of outpatient coverage in Canada: Assistive and medical devices, Health Policy
- Achieving higher performing primary care through patient registration: A review of twelve high-income countries, Health Policy
- “It’s more than just needing money”: The value of supporting networks of care, Journal of Aging & Social Policy
- Development of a web-based survey on the financial risks of unpaid caregiving: approach and lessons learned from a Canadian perspective, Home Health Care Services Quarterly
- A comparison of health policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, Health Policy
- The Federal Government and Canada’s COVID-19 Responses: From “We’re ready, we’re prepared” to “Fires and burning”, Health Economics, Policy and Law
- Comparing public policies impacting prescribing and medication management in two Canadian provinces, Health Policy
- Putting the Patient First: A Scoping Review of Patient Desires in Canada, Healthcare Policy
- Physical activity among predominantly white middle-aged and older adults during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: results from a national longitudinal survey, Frontiers in Public Health
- Identifying policy levers to reduce never events: a comparison of three high-income jurisdictions [Poster], Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy (CAHSPR) 2021
- Age-based healthcare stereotype threat during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Gerontological Social Work
- Major health reforms in 31 high-income countries in 2018 and 2019; expert informed identification, clustering, and analyses over time of “top-three” national reforms, Health Policy
- The rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination: what can Canada learn from Israel? Israel Journal of Health Policy
- Mandatory reporting legislation in Canada: improving systems for patient safety? Health Economics, Policy and Law
- Features Constituting Actionable COVID-19 Dashboards: Descriptive Assessment and Expert Appraisal of 158 Public Web-Based COVID-19 Dashboards, Journal of Medical Internet Research
- Expanding health care coverage in Canada: a dramatic shift in the debate, Health Economics, Policy and Law
- COVID-19, Federalism, and Health Care Financing in Canada, the United States, and Mexico, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice
- Patients’ Views of the Canadian Health-Care System, NAO Study prepared for the Ontario Medical Association
- Provincial legislative and regulatory standards for pain assessment and management in long-term care homes: a scoping review and in-depth case analysis, BMC Geriatrics
- Do health systems cover the mouth? Comparing dental care coverage for older adults in eight jurisdictions, Health Policy
- Putting People First – The final report of the comprehensive review of Yukon’s health and social programs and services
- Understanding the Policy Context and Conditions Necessary for the Establishment of Supervised Consumption Sites in Canada: A Comparative Analysis of Alberta and Manitoba, Health Reform Observer
- Advancing Direct Payment Reforms in Ontario and Scotland, Health Reform Observer
- Managing and Regulating Contracted Medicare Services in Non-Hospital Facilities [Poster], Centre for Health Services and Policy Research (CHSPR) 2020 Annual Health Policy Conference
- Mapping variability in allocation of Long-Term Care funds across payer agencies in OECD countries, Health Policy
- Evaluating the Implementation of Three Integrated Care Programs for Older Adults with Major Neurocognitive Disorders, Health Reform Observer
- Understanding Universality within a Liberal Welfare Regime: The Case of Universal Social Programs in Canada, Social Inclusion
- Federalism, Physicians, and Public Policy: A Comparison of Health Care Reform in Canada and Brazil, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice
- Collaborative Governance for Integrated Care: Insights from a Policy Stakeholder Dialogue, International Journal of Integrated Care
- Utilization of Advanced Cardiovascular Therapies in the United States and Canada, Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
- The 2018 decision to establish an Advisory Council on adding pharmaceuticals to universal health coverage in Canada, Health Policy
- The north is not all the same: comparing health system performance in 18 northern regions of Canada, International Journal of Circumpolar Health
- Improving access to family medicine in Quebec through quotas and numerical targets, Health Reform Observer
- Utilization and Outcomes for Spine Surgery in the United States and Canada, Spine
- Measuring horizontal inequity in healthcare utilisation: a review of methodological developments and debates, The European Journal of Health Economics
- Putting National Pharmacare on the Federal Agenda: Creation of an Advisory Council, Health Reform Observer
- National Health Insurance: A conceptual framework from conflicting typologies, Health Policy
- Federalism, Physicians, and Public Policy: A Comparison of Health Care Reform in Canada and Brazil, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis
- Managers and clinicians: Perceptions of the impact of regionalization in two regions in Canada, Healthcare Management
- Coordinating primary care services: A case of policy layering, Health Policy Forum
- Hip fracture care in Manitoba, Canada and New York State, United States: an analysis of administrative data, CMAJ Open
- Risk Factors for Snoring in Two Canadian First Nations Communities, Clocks and Sleep
- Myths, Misperceptions, and Policy Learning: Comparing Healthcare in the United States and Canada, The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
- Doctors and Canadian Medicare: Improving Accountability and Performance, Healthcare Papers
- Canadian medicare: historical reflections, future directions, Health Economics, Policy and Law
- A fragile but critical link: a commentary on the importance of government-academy relationships, Israel Journal of Health Policy Research
- The Comparative Performance of the Canadian and Australian Health Systems, Health Management Forum
- Rebalancing Health Systems Towards Community-Based Care: The Role of Subsectoral Politics, Health Policy
- Community-based Reform Efforts: The Case of the Aging at Home Strategy, Healthcare Policy
- Can history improve big bang health reform? Commentary, Health Economics, Policy and Law
- How does it feel to be a problem? Patients’ experiences of self-management support in New Zealand and Canada, Health Expectations
- Canada’s Universal Health-Care System: Achieving its Potential, The Lancet
- Improving Accessibility to Services and Increasing Efficiency Through Merger and Centralization in Québec, Health Reform Observer